De La Rue attended this year’s International Monetary Fund and World Bank Annual Meetings in Washington, and we were able to write a short article to publish in the Emerging Markets publication highlighting global issues around financial inclusion, identity security and fighting against anti-corruption and counterfeiting. Below shows our introduction to the article:
De La Rue plays a key role in trade, identity and the movement of people, and has done since our formation over 200 years ago. The dialogue and spirit of cooperation evident at the 2016 IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings is a testament to the importance of our work, whether helping to ensure the safe and secure passage of people around the world, or helping to contribute to financially inclusive economic development. De La Rue is a key partner of policy makers and governments around the world, as they seek to find solutions to the key challenges presented by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Visit page 42 of the Emerging Markets publication to read the full article